

Classical Strings: Violin

Ilmar加维兰, Violin 教师

“Gavilan has the touch of a poet” – 圣塔莫尼卡 Magazine

Cuban-American Violinist Ilmar Gavilan, a native of 哈瓦那, Cuba has had a remarkable performing career that has taken him all over the world. This fascinating journey ranges from performing for world leaders such as President Obama at the White House 和 Queen Sofia of 西班牙 at The Royal Palace of Madrid to performing with top stature artists of diverse styles such as Itzhak Perlman 和 Chick Corea.

作为一名独奏家. Gavilan has performed violin concertos with the Atlanta, 新泽西, 巴尔的摩, 底特律, 密尔沃基, St. 路易, 哈特福德, 纳什维尔, 安阿伯, 圣塔莫尼卡, 凤凰城, 丹佛, 路易斯安那州, 锚地, 圣达菲, 哈瓦那, 墨西哥城, Venezuela Symphonies 和 played recitals in Engl和, 俄罗斯, 西班牙, 和葡萄牙. Mr. Gavilan performed “Urban Legends” by Michael Ables for String Quartet 和 Orchestra with the New York Philharmonic as the first violinist of the Harlem Quartet. Mr. Gavilan won first prize at the Sphinx competition, as well as top honors at the Lipinsky-Wieniaswsky 和 the Henryk Szeryng International violin competitions.

An avid chamber musician, Mr. Gavilan has performed with Itzhak Perlman, Arnold Steinhardt, Ida Kavafian, 卡特Brey, 保罗·卡茨, 弗雷德雪利酒, 安东尼麦吉尔, 还有米沙·迪特. Mr. Gavilan has participated in numerous chamber music festivals including Tanglewood, 拉维尼亚, 天使之火.

Currently a violin faculty at Manhattan School of Music, Mr. Gavilan is engaged in a visiting residency at The Royal College of Music in London as the first violinist of the Harlem Quartet 和 a full-time residency position at Montclair State University. Mr. Gavilan is an experienced educator, having taught for six years at Juilliard School’s Music Advancement Program. Ilmar Gavilan studied at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. Through the personal recommendation 和 royal scholarship of Queen Sofia of 西班牙, studies took him to the Reina Sofia School of Music in 西班牙 where he studied with Zakhar Bron. 此外,Mr。. Gavilan received private lessons from legendary Yehudi Menuhin, Isaac Stern 和 Ruggiero Ricci. Later studies brought Mr. Gavilan to the Manhattan School of Music in New York City where he studied with Glenn Dicterow 和 received his Master’s Degree.

Mr. Gavilan was awarded a Graduate Diploma in Quartet Performance from the New Engl和 Conservatory in Boston. His mentors there included Donald Weilerstein 和 Miriam Fried. Mr. Gavilan completed his Doctor in Musical Arts Diploma from Rutgers University under the mentorship of Arnold Steinhardt. Alongside his accomplished classical music career, Mr. Gavilan also performed 和 commercially released albums with Chick Corea, 加里·伯顿, Paquito D rivera, 埃迪Palmieri, Dafnis Prieto. Other Jazz collaborations include performing with Stanley Clark, 约翰Patitucci, 李Konitz, 亨利Threadgill, Doc Severinsen. The collaboration with Jazz legends Chick Corea 和 加里·伯顿 rendered earned him a Grammy for the recording of the 热的房子 album as a member of the Harlem Quartet. Mr. 加维兰U.S. Solo recording debut Aires y Leyendas, 可怜的人 featuring music composed by his father Guido Lopez-Gavilan including a violin concerto dedicated to him, are available on Amazon 和 iTunes.

His latest solo album 兄弟 features his brother Aldo Lopez-Gavilan. Ilmar 和 his brother Aldo, a world-class pianist 和 composer, were presented by Carnegie Hall in the featured PBS documentary Los Hermanos/The 兄弟



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